Sunday, June 15, 2008

How this journey began

Many of you have asked what happened. Did I notice any symptoms? What do the doctors say? How am I feeling? I thought I would start with the basics for those of you who may have just learned that I have Leukemia.

Thursday night June 6th going into Friday morning while at work, I noticed my feet were swelling and I couldn't find my ankles. LOL. When I came home I took a water pill and drank some water thinking that it was the chips I ate from Panera Bread being too salty and this is part of getting older :-) Well, the swelling was still there when I went into work on Friday night. My chest was tight and felt like someone was pressing down on it. The pain began to travel up my glands and I had a stiff neck. I felt chills and had a rapid heart beat. Of course, not wanting to mess up my paid time off, I stuck it out at work until morning and thought I'd call the doctor. Something inside me told me I might be really sick, but I was hoping it was just a virus and didn't want the emergency room to charge me a lot of money to say I had the flu. I left work with about an hour left on my shift after some strong persuading from one of my managers, of course my co-workers and supervisor were telling me how bad I looked and I should go home the entire shift, I'm stubborn like that. I like to keep my commitments and do my job sick or not. I called my primary care who then directed me to the ER. It was there I found out that my white blood cells were abnormally high with cause for concern, and my red blood cells were too low and I needed a blood transfusion. They took several tests over the next two days and felt that they had compeling evidence of Leukemia but they needed to do a bone marrow biopsy to confirm. That is what led me to the University of Penn. I arrived here Tuesday night. Had the biopsy Wednesday and started Chemo first thing Friday morning. I am on a 24 hours a day for seven day treatment, with an additional chemo drug pushed through for 3 days. Today was my last for the other Chemo and I have 4 more days of the seven day treatment.

Next steps; After the chemo treatment on Friday the 20th, my B-day, I will wait a few days to see if my cells start to rebuild. They will do another bone marrow biopsy to see if I need additional chemo or something to help my cells rebuild. After another 10-14 days I should be able to come home. That is as much as I know for now. I will eventually come back for another round of chemo, and pray that I won't need a bone marrow transplant.

Did I have any other symptoms? Yes, but I didn't make any connections. I felt unusually tired for the past month. So tired that I could barely get though cleaning my house, and many of you know how compulsive I am about that :-) I just thought I was getting out of shape and hired a personal trainer of which I only had two sessions and then two days later ended up in the ER, go figure. Well, I will lose those extra ten pounds without the trainer now, that's a bonus. LOL. I also had noticed bruising. My King Da Ka ride 5x in a row left some serious ones, but there had been others that I noticed prior to that, enough so I was intending to go to the doctor about it that same week-end I ended up in the hospital. Also, my gums were very irritated and bleeding, which I thought was just me needing to floss more and get a better mouth wash. Who'da thought?

How am I feeling? I'm feeling pretty good despite my situation. God has given me a supernatural peace about everything. I have no fear and feel so blessed by the outpouring of love and concern from all of my family and friends. They emails are beautiful and encouraging. I have had a lot of visitors, even all the way out here in Philly. Thank you all for how much love you have showered me and my family.

Today I needed two more blood transfusions because my red cells dropped into the sixes again. That had me a little tired, but I'm feeling better now. So far I have not experienced any nausea from the Chemo..... Praise God! My hair will fall out, but the good thing is it could grow back curly, how cool is that! I'm going to sport a good wig in the interim.

Jim and the girls came to visit today. Megan brought Kelsey P along and the Schlaegel's were here too. It was great visiting with all of them.

I just want to thank you all again for the prayers and concern for me and my family. Know that God is in Control and He is good all the time. He comforts and protects those that seek refuge in Him. Psalm 23 has been a comfort to me, please read it and be encouraged. I know that I am safe and secure while in the valley because God is my Shepherd and I shall not want.

Love you all!!


Shana said...

Hey Edie, I am still so shocked!! Glad to hear you are in good spirits. You literally have hundreds of people lifting you and your family up in prayer. God is sooo good and he will reward you richly for allowing Him to use you thru this. Even in your illness, you are a huge blessing to others! Praise GOD!!! I love you and will continue to pray for your healing and strength.

Darlin-Jo said...

Yes Edie, this is the first I am hearing about this, I thank you for including me in your mailing. The tears are just streaming down my face as I read and type this to you. You are so strong and courageous. You are truly exhibiting your royal heritage of the King and are a true inspiration and a blessing. You go girl! You and your family will be in my every whispered prayer. You are amazing. Since we know in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose and girl that is so you. I can't even begin to imagine how great His Glory will shine through this new road you are on. I'm thinking there is no other choice but for you to "Be the(our) Guest" and allow others to serve you/your family through this. I know this is foreign territory for you and especially right now as I read so much is happening so quickly.
I am thanking Him in advance for you and all that He will do through you, through this time.

+RichElizabeth+ said...

hi edie.
it's really hard to believe, even more for us down here, in the other side of the world.
because we don't get to see you too much, and the last time we saw you, you were just glowing and full of strength. it's kindda hard to picture you in your condition right now. i dont know if i shud cry first, or shocked first, or get angry first. too much emotions!

you know we're always praying for you....

Joyce Rose said...

Thank the Lord for E-mails and friends that know how to set up blogs!! Laurie has been keeping us posted but I really was in the dark until last night when I read for myself what was going on. Priase God for your strenght and ability to be so strong. Rest assue that your entire church family is praying especially for you, Jim and the girls. The days might seem long and dark and you probably are thinking that this is some valley I'm in but you will be back on the mountain top soon!! God is our, strenght, healer and the one that will give peace beyond our understanding!! He will use you in a great and mighty way. You have been a blessing to so many, please let us take this time to be blessing to you. We love you and lift you up in prayer. Love Joyce and John Rose

Julie Pryz said...

Dear Edie,

Thank you for sharing your heart in your blog. I am encouraged as I read how God has lifted you up and how He is carrying you with His amazing grace!
May the Lord continue to give you all that you need for this journey. May He uphold you and your family.
Blessings to you,
Julie P

Royal Cuties said...

Hi Edie
Great blog. What a great way to keep everyone updated. We will continue to pray for you, Jim and the girls. The peace God is giving you is evident and amazing!
Melissa and Ryan K

Pedersons said...

Hi Edie,

You are His princess warrior and His beloved one. You have been such an inspiration to us all as you have been poked and

prodded all week. Your faith and your peace amidst all that you have been through have sent out a sweet aroma of Jesus

who all who visit and call. I am so glad that you have this blog so that we can shower you with notes, encouragements, and

love. "Keep keeping" your eyes on Jesus. You are in our thoughts, minds, and prayers. He adores you. And so do we.

Love, The Pederson Family

Anonymous said...

Edie, I am so glad that you have the strong faith that you do. God will help you through this time as will friends and family also. You are in my prayers every minute of every day. I love you, LINDA GLENN

Organized Chaos said...


I don't think you know me...we have a lot of mutual friends at FAC(Faith Sutton, Melissa King etc.) and sat around the fireplace one night at the women's retreat this year and chatted with a group of other women.

Anyway, our mini-church (the Kings) have really been lifting you and your family up in prayer.

The peace and faith you have is evident even in the words you type. I'll be following your blog and keep you in my prayers.

judy said...

Hi, Edie. You don't know know me but I feel like I know you. I am Joanne Sease's mom and also going through chemo for colon cancer. Praise God for the peace He has given you. I know just what you mean by supernatural peace, because He gave me the same when I was first diagnosed. I continue to have peace, knowing that His will is perfect. For whatever reason, this is what I have to do right now. I would like to add your name to several prayer lists is you don't mind. God's Word tells us that "the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much" and I'm claiming that promise for you as well as for myself. Be encouraged that God has a purpose for this in your life. Let Him use you for the benefit of others and His glory. I will pray also for your husband and children as I'm sur ethis has to be a difficult time fot them. "Be strong in the LORD and in the power of his might."

richnewman said...

Hi Edie
I have you in my prayers, now even more than befor. Do not worry especially about money, I know that God will not let you down. God will take care of you. I know what you are saying about our insurance and work situation, I was bleassed and only our for 7 weeks. I talk to Tina and Ann about you all the time Tina will be visiting you soon I think. You have the love and prayers of many of us here at Commerce.

Love you
Richard Newman