Thursday, October 23, 2008

Home from the hospital

Hi Everyone! It's good to be home from the hospital. My stay was brief and uncomplicated. Everything seemed to go smoothly with the Chemo. My counts will drop sometime over the week-end and that's when I'll feel the effects of the Chemo. They say this round and the next one are more difficult because my body is so run down. Please pray for a fever free recovery without any complications. It takes about 20 days for my counts to recover, I'm counting the days and they haven't even began. LOL I hate having to stay put and being so tired all the time.
Tuesday night I stopped by Commerce to visit my friends from work. It was great to see everyone! The famous questions were "How was I feeling? and When was I coming back?" If I could be there yesterday I would. I miss work. I like what I do, I like the people, and the money is much better than collecting disability, which is like half your pay. Ugghh. I am really looking forward to recovering from my last round and getting on with life again. However, I do have some new perspectives, hard learned patience and a dependency on seeking God's direction for my life and not my own. I'm so stubborn and driven that I didn't even listen to my bodies warning signs that I was sick.
In life we can get so caught up with our own goals and dreams that we have side blinders to what God's goals and dreams are for us. We can pursue good things that turn into bad things for our health or marriage or kids, etc... because we focused on what we want and not the bigger picture. For instance; we could be driven to be financially successful, but in the race for success and financial freedom our relationships begin to suffer. We spend less time investing in the people in our lives; our marriage begins to suffer if not crumble, our kids begin to disrespect and detach and learn the independent way void of wise counsel and guidance, and we find ourselves with fewer friends, if we even have the time for them. Lastly, our own health begins to reap what we've sown and suffers as well.
I've been thinking about some of the goals and dreams I have and what to do develop them; A joy filled passionate marriage, Kids who communicate well and are educated and have a heart for following Christ in all the areas of their lives. Continued opportunity for youth ministry development and financial freedom. There have been times when the order of these priorities and goals where way out of sink. Balance is important, taking care of your health is important, daily following God for direction on how to accomplish these goals and dreams is extremely vital to the mission. If there is one theme I've gotten from God it is Relationships first. My first relationship is with God and all else filters out from there. Matt 6:33 But seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you." What was being talked about in reference to all these things, was the things I mentioned. What we worry about; money, clothes, prosperity, health, etc....But God knows we need those things, He wants a relationship with us first. Seek Him First and the rest will fall into place. Read Matt 6:19-34 for a fuller picture.
Love, Edie


Anonymous said...

I'm so happy your feeling good Edie!! I'm a 6th grader and I ove Planet678 so much! I met Julia and I'm so happy that we are friends. Every Sunday night everyone at Planet has been praying for you. I've heard so many good things about you and I can't wait to meet you. God Bless you and I will keep you in my prayers.

-Ashlyn Elliott(6th grade)

planetkathy said...

"I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses,so that the power of Christ may rest upon me...For when I am weak,then I am strong." 2 Cor.12:9-10

Edie,we're heading off on retreat this weekend,as you know.We pray for a mighty work in to be done in the hearts of all who attend. Know that you'll be thought of,missed greatly, and prayed for sincerely as well.

Unknown said...

Edie, you have been in my prayers ever since I first learned of your disease. You have impressed all of us with your strength and spirituality. I have been in touch with Jim and really wish I knew your girls. Just keep fighting and praying.
Love, Aunt Patty in California