Friday, September 5, 2008

Feeling Giddy

I'm laughing at myself today. I can't believe I'm watching videos on grocery shopping and cooking whole foods and liking it. Thanks Heather for the resources! I bought Christina Pirello's book "Cooking the Whole Foods Way" and I couldn't put it down. She is a survivor of Leukemia. Her leukemia was even more aggressive than mine and she was given 9-12 months to live 24 years ago. She did not receive chemo but began eating a macrobiotic diet consisting of lots of organic vegi's and fruits. I feel so encouraged by her story which is similar to so many others that I've heard, particularly one in our church family, Beth Schroeder. I'm going over Beth's tonight so she can do a little show and tell with some of the ingredients and vegi's I've never heard of. I really don't cook to begin with so this is Huge for me.
As I mentioned, I also posted a couple of new pictures:-) Thank You Andrea Busam for your beautiful photography work. One is my bald head and the other is a wig I had made to match my hair cut and color before I lost my hair. I usually wear a baseball cap or go bald, but the wig is great for special occasions. I want to encourage other women who are either going through treatment or may some day find themselves diagnosed with cancer and fearing the mark of beauty; their hair. Please note BALD IS BEAUTIFUL. I've heard that said by a few. You can be bald and beautiful. First remember beauty is from within and shines out! My shiny head is glowing with a peace and contentment that God has placed from within.
I will try to stay updated again. I go back in for my next round of Chemo on September 11th. I've been doing some moderate exercise to try and help build up my stamina. This journey has been full of emotions, trials and laughter. Right now I feel I'm on the part of the roller coaster that drops and you through your hands up and laugh and scream all the way down. Maybe its the increased endorphins from exercise.... Maybe it's God!
Love You! Have a Blessed Day :-)


Royal Cuties said...

You look beautiful as always! Ryan and I continue to pray for you. We are encouraged to see God clearly carrying you through these months.

Donna Lash said...

Hi Edie--- You are right ---Bald is beautiful! And beauty does come from within. I realize that more and more the older and more experience that I get. I'm trying to stress that to the kids, too, but some things just have to be learned the hard way. Thank you for all your updates! They are very inspiring. It gives me encouragement that God is able to get me through anything with His grace. It also helps to know what to pray for specifically for you. I will pray that all the nutrition education will come easily to you and will taste delicious, too! Do you know Janice Esposito? She may also be able to help you with all of this. I hope that Jim will also benefit from all of your knowledge! Keep running the race, Edie! Love, Donna L

planetkathy said...

We will keep praying for your nutrition quest. You might want to check out 'Juice Plus' and read the findings to add to your regime.

Lefcziks said...

It was a blessing to see you the other day and I can attest that you are definitely glowing with God's love and peace! I'll be praying for you as you learn this new way of eating for nutrition. Maybe you'll share a couple recipes with us.
The pictures are beautiful!

Barb said...

Dear Edie, I'm glad you had a good time at Cape May. It is one of my favorite places. My daughter (Amy McNamara who goes to FAC) sent me your blog address and I read it all the time. We pray for you at Old Orchards every week. God Bless You. Barb Claffie

Fisher Family said...

I just read your latest blog tonight and I couldn't believe that you wrote about "Bald is Beautiful" because after we left your house on Monday evening, all the kids and I kept saying was how beautiful you looked!! We said, "only Edie could look absolutely beautiful bald!!" It was great to get to see you. Lauren, Corey, Kira and I all enjoyed our short visit. We love you and continue our prayers for you, Jim, Megan and Julia. Thanks for keeping us updated on your blog!

Anonymous said...

Hi Edie,sorry i couldn't come and visit you in the hospital but you have been on my mine and i was curious as to how you were doing. It feels good to know that you are doing well and looking well. Knowledge is power and i can hear from your blog that you are absorbing much of it. I hope and pray that these words will see you through your most toughest times. II Cor 4:7 Now we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the transcendence of the power may be of God and not of us. In everything, being afflicted, but not distressed; perplexed, but not despairing; persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not perishing-always carrying about in the body the deadening of Jesus, that the life also of Jesus may be manifested in our body.
Leonard Smith(from Commerce Bank)

Joe and Nancy said...

Hi, Edie,
I couldn't agree more with all the posts--you are still beautiful and, if anyone can pull off being bald and still beautiful, it's Edie Willenbring! (of course, being married to Joe, I always thought "bald" was beautiful, anyway!) I am so proud of you for wanting to fight cancer with the only thing that beats it: veggies! No, it's not fun all the time, but neither is chemo and if you can withstand chemo then you can surely withstand eating things that don't taste like a Big Mac! I thank God for Beth--one woman's struggle with health became used as a huge blessing for many women who want to be more healthy and that in turn caused whole families to be blessed with greater health (mine included). We will continue to pray for you as you enter another round of chemo in the hospital.
Love, Joe, Nancy, and the kiddos

Donna Lash said...

Edie--- My prayers and thoughts are with you today. Love, Donna L