Friday, September 12, 2008

Third round of Chemo

Thank you for your encouraging comments about the Bald and the Beautiful. haha . It was fun doing it :-)

I'm back in the hospital with my third round of Chemo. There are two left to go. December can't come fast enough, but it won't be until January that I start getting my strength back. I was dreading coming here this week. I've experienced some nausea and tiredness, but the worst part was that I needed to have a pickline put back in my arm. Its a little traumatizing for me. I was taking a stand against it, but my doc and the nurse just had to remind me that when I become neutropenic again, its a serious time. If I get a fever and they can't get the meds in me soon enough over a pickline, that would not be good. People die during the neurtopenic fevers and I don't plan on doing that, God Willing. I do believe God has shown me an old way to eat, but its very new to me. The more I learn about Whole Foods Cooking the more I'll pass on or give you resources to learn what could change around so many health issues like Cancer, diabetes, heart disease, etc...

The past week was a bit rough and I was not up for updating my posts. I was taken further into the Valley of the Shadow of Death; figuratively speaking :-) But really I'm there. At first the fear was too much. I don't want to be broken, I'm not sure if I'm going the right direction. I know the Shepherd is reaching out for me, but it looks so dark and hard of a road to travel. The light on the other side is so far away. How do I do this? That's the first thing God answers, It's not your strength but mine, I am the Way, and the Truth, and the Light, rely on me and you will get to the other side and experience the blessings that have been waiting for you, if you want to come along and receive them. I have a choice to follow what I know is Right and best for me, why would I choose anything less. In my devotional for that day, I read Luke 5:5 Returning to your Failure , September 9th in the Experiencing God day by day , written by Henry Blackaby Here is a brief excerpt from it; "No one knows how to help you in your times of failure as Jesus does! He will not overlook your shortcomings or simply encourage you to do better the next time. He will give you victory in the midst of your failure.......................Jesus often gets you undivided attention when you fail. He sometimes takes you back to your placed of defeat in order to build something good into your life. You may assume Ye must not want you to continue because you failed so miserable in your attempt. Perhaps your problem was that you relied on your own strength instead of the Master's. Maybe you failed in a relationship. Jesus will not allow you to abandon it; He will help you learn from your failure and experience the difference He can make when He guides your relationships. Whey you try in God's strength, you may discover that success is indeed within your grasp. If you have recently experienced failure, you may be on the brink of receiving a profound revelation from God!" I closed the book and said "Shut Up" Why would I say such a thing? I'm very stubborn and God cleary spoke to my heart and was telling me I needed to surrender my heart to His, and I actually had to wrestle with it. Go figure! Just so you know, I'm not wrestling with it so much now, but its a hard process, like the refiners fire, or the gardener pruining their crop, or being carried through the valley of the shadow of death. There is a dying involved any way you look at it, but the end result is something Beautiful.

Love hearing from you all! Thanks for your support and prayers!


planetkathy said...

"The comfort of the Christian faith lies not so much in the smooth currents on which we sail,but in the compassion and commitment of our Warrior-God who fights for us and beside
us." J.L.Fryar (Isaiah 54:11-17)
Chemotherapy will have an ending date - the 'light'. God will continue to be with you up to and through that date-He cannot fail His promises. Praise Him that He never leaves us.
Thanks for blessing us with what He is showing you to be true.
Kathy <><

faithfulfriend said...

Hey Edie, You are on the right track spiritually. After going through all of Kirsten's health problems, it took me a long time to be able to sing the song with the words "refiners's fire". The memories invoked were sweet but incredibly painful. I don't think that many of us fully realize how sharp God's pruning shears and fire really are until going through experiences where their life or a loved one's are required.
Love, Ramona

Donna Lash said...

Edie, Thank you so much for your transparency. It's a privilege to pray for you and love you. Isn't it amazing when a daily Bible reading hits us exactly where we need it? God loves us so much and is always faithful and it's always personal. I will especially remember you and your family this week in prayer. Love, Donna

Sojourner said...

Although this is my first comment, I think about and pray for you daily. I was at the Women of Faith conference today and heard a story that I hope you will enjoy and find uplifting. I included the link here.

Pam said...

"Look straight ahead, and fix your eyes on what lies before you. Mark out a straight path for your feet; stay on the safe path. Don't get sidetracked; keep your feet from following evil."(Proverbs 4:25-27 NLT)

Edie, as I pray for you every night with Billy, we will pray specifically that you fight the good fight!! Dying to ourselves is SOOOOO hard...I'm right there with you Edie.

We love you so much,
Scott, Pam, and Billy

Donna Lash said...

Hi Edie-- I have been thinking about and praying for you. I hope that things are going well and as expected this round. Please update blog with additional prayer requests. I know that God is good and that He has a plan for our good and His glory. Keep running the race, Edie! We love you. Love, Donna L

Andrea said...

Hi Edie,
Thinking of you and praying for your strength to return after this round. You are an inspiration to us all with your unwaivering faith through the midst of trials. Your prayer warriors are at work. Sounds like your half way there. You are a tough cookie. You can do this, I know you can. Hope to see you soon. Love Andrea