Thursday, September 4, 2008

Quick Update

Hello Everyone!
Well, we enjoyed our mini-vacation at the shore. I did not go on the wave runner; though tempting. My body and mind aren't matching. I'm ready to go full steam ahead, but my body is a slow as snail. LOL... That being said, I have done some research and have been talking to several people about nutrition and recovery. I have found that this past round of chemo was more difficult than I anticipated and now I don't look forward to the next three. The recovery has been slower this time. There is much evidence to support nutrition as a very powerful resource for overcoming great odds and beating cancer. It will also help me recover quicker and provide me with more energy and strength through each coming round of chemo. The hard part is that I need to cut sugar out of my diet, and that includes white flour products. I also need to eat lots and lots of vegi's and fruits. Those of you who know me well, know how hard this will be for me. I love sugar. I'm a sugar addict. I start my day with a large coke from McD's and move on to tastey cakes! Don't ask me why I'm still moderately thin eating that way, but the last two years its been catching up with me. Obviously.... I have leukemia. So pray for me, because it is very hard for me to eat this way even though my life counts on it. I can't seem to get my brain to connect that I have a life threatening illness and I need to take care of what I put in my body . I still live like I'm invincible. .. Go figure.... Although there's something to be said about a positive attitude, there is also a healthy respect of life and its mortal realities. God is in control, but we should not take it for granted.. He has provided us with His creation to eat and take care of our bodies. Just because we trust God to protect or heal us does not mean we go and drink or do drugs or jump off a cliff..... We need to act responsibly and take care of our temple that He dwells in and live in obedience to God under the umbrella of His protection. This, I need to remind my self is very relevant to eating to live not living to eat.

TTYS Love, Edie
ps( I took some photo's of me bald :-) I intend on posting them as a way to encourage other cancer survivors that Bald is Beautiful and not to be discouraged when they lose their hair.. more on that later)

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