Saturday, June 14, 2008

My first blog

Welcome to my blog. I hope to create an easy way to keep all my loved ones updated on my journey through the valley of Leukemia to the green pastures of remission and increased faith. I'm new at this, so bare with me as I try my new tech skills out. I hope to add a new blog later giving more details about how I began this journey and where I'm at right now.

Love you all!! Thank you for all the prayers and support that you have shown me and my family. May God pour out His blessings in abundance on all of you :-)



David and Karen said...

Hi Edie!! Just received your email! This blog is a wonderful way for all those that love you to be able to be with you through this time. David sang tonight he said that the church has lifted you and Jim, the girls and all of your family up to our Almighty Father. You are without a doubt in His Hands and in the hearts of your brothers and sisters in Christ!! Karen and David Bigley

Anonymous said...

hey mommm! me and kp r bout 2 watch final season. we love u an dwe r praying 4 u. life has been really hard without u round but my friends and ur friends have been talking me through this an dit has been a challenge these past few days. God has really been by my side l8ly and all those prays r coming through. I love youu!!!<333
~princess megs

Anonymous said...

hey edie! i just wanted to let you know that im praying for you! i really hope i get to visit you soon! stay strong throughout it all and know that so many people care, love, and are praying for you including me! -Kelsey

Walter Family said...

You are an incredible example to all of us!! We appreciate your openness and wonderful spirit. We are holding you up in prayer. Hang in there and watch God work!! Let us know if there's anything else we can do. Jamie's ready for another 5 times on KingdaKa when you're up for it. :o)
We'll keep in touch.
Love you!
Jim, Tammy, Amanda & Jamie

planetkathy said...

"I will fear no evil,for my God is with me,and if my God is with me, whom then shall I fear,whom then shall I fear?"
Thanking God that He never lets go!
Thanking God for your song,Edie - your life and your music with our kids.
We're continually lifting you up.You're never alone.

Mr. Schlaegel said...

Edie. It was wonderful to see you. What a positive spirit you have! (Could you have anything else?) You and your family will be continually in my prayers. ~Matthew

ami said...

We wish you much strength and courage during this difficult time. You and your family are in our hearts and prayers.
Annemarie, Thom & Baylee

faithfulfriend said...

Hey Edie, As always it was a blessing to see you today. Your spirit of ministry is awesome. God has a reason and will be honored through this. Many who would never step in a church will see Him through you. (I speak from experience and seeing the influence of Kirsten's situation on everyone we have been with over the years at DuPont)Your walk with God will become even more fantastic and deeper than you can ever have imagined or hoped. Love always, Ramona

Theresa said...


What is KingdaKa? I hope this works. Never did this before. I have tried once already and this is actually my second try. I'm showing my age - poor computer skills - so sad. I have signed up to help with house cleaning or gardening. I thought I would spare your family my cooking!! Can't wait to see you on Wed. I will call in the morning to double check. If there is anything you think of that you need let me know and I'll bring it. It was so wonderful to pray for you and your family at each service this weekend - Jim was awesome - he did a beautiful job. Has anyone arranged to get the weekend services, even DVD if you want, to you each week. What would be better - DVD or tape?
Well I will "talk" with you soon. Continue to feel Jesus near, feel Him holding you, protecting you, healing you.

Love Theresa

lifesaver said...

Hi Edie,
You do not know me. My name is Deborah and I am a friend of your mom-in-law, Nora. We are in some businesses together. But I am a prayer warrior and am covering you along with the girls and Jim and your mom, Ann. Additionally I am covering the hands that minister to you and the staff for loving attention cand excellent, honest communication.
Please know you are being held before our Mighty Healer, Abba Father. He knows the desires of all of our hearts to have you healed and restored and back with your family.
You are welcome to send me any prayers your heart desires so I can be on my knees for you.
May the Author of our Lives hear our pleas......Blessings over you, Edie.

Jeanne said...

Hey you...I am sorry I haven't made it yet to see you, but please know that I am thinking about you, praying for you, and have had you placed on several prayer chains, and we know how well the Power of Prayer works! I truly believe that because of your strength and faith you will surpass this, and probably have a much faster than normal recovery. Glenn is hoping to get there tonite with Mom & Dad.

Love ya! Jeanne

Jim Willenbring said...

Hi mommy!!
daddy says hi, and i just want2 say tht i luv u and i pray 4u every day!!!!!!
Julz and DaD

....James 1:2-8

Anonymous said...

I love your blog! It's unbelievable you have ministered to me soooooo much through planet. And even now going through this huge trial you still are positive and peaceful. You are so amazing. I'm praying for you and your family. I was looking at my verse book and saw a couple of verses that made me think of you they are - Romans 5:3-4, 2 corinthians 4:17, (and one of my favorite verses), Isaiah 40: 28- 29. God is sooo amazing. And I know that he has a reason for this and i think a big part of that is this blog ministering to people. My family will be praying for you.
Love you, Anna Shaffer <><

Anonymous said...

i enjoyed visiting with you on saturday.i forgot your card, i know i'm a genius. i'm praying for you everyday.i know you're strong, and i know you'll get through this. i'm just trying to dry up my tears and trust in God. i know i'm young, but i'm here for you. love and miss you.
-megan massey

Jen [: said...

hi Edie! This is Jen, one of Jessi's BFF. And just like everybody else, I've been praying for you and I still am [: So stay strong becasue God is with you and all you need to do is trust in him and everything will be okay.

ily <3

Dave Wickware said...

Edie: I am pulling for you. I have a friend who is six year survivor of colon cancer. I drove him each week to Fox Chase for his chemo treatments, so I have a sense of the challenge you are enduring. You have already had a full plate with family illness and I really feel for you. One wonders why? I know your will, positive attitude, support from loved ones and prayers will help you beat this terrible disease.

God loves you and so do we.

Dave Wickware