Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Thursday the 19th

Hi Everyone!
I have been too tired to blog by the end of day, so I thought I'd try at the start of my day :-)

I slept pretty good last night. I'm getting more tired now, but that's part of the plan to get me better. In two weeks I should begin to rebuild cells and begin to start feeling better again. I'm counting the days. I'm a little homesick, so I'm hoping the time goes by quickly. I miss Jim, Megan and Julia tremendously and look forward to lots of hugs. I also miss Zeek and Rusty too! I'm looking forward to be able to spend a lot more time with everyone.

Over the last few days I've had a lot of wonderful visitors. Thank you for your gifts and cards and prayers. You have all truly blessed me with the support and concern you have showed me and my family.

I have found that we have the worlds crappiest health benefits system. Here I am fighting to stay alive and having to make sure I don't lose my benefits or job in the process. Everything is "time is of the essence" or possible cancellation or bill collectors, and there's no allowance for making things easy. Lot's of paper pushing bureaucratic stuff. Ugghhh. If I make it through this, I will certainly want to address the process for those who are sick in a hospital or under treatment. They should be allowed to focus on getting better not worry about so many other things. Thankfully God has provided me family and friends who will take over some of those concerns for me, but what about the person who doesn't have family or a supportive church like me?

My appetite has severely decreased. I had to pray through my breakfast yesterday. I mentioned it to a few of my visitors. You must be praying, because I did better the rest of the day and this morning. Still no nausea. They say I'm responding to the Chemo very well. Tomorrow is day 7. I will have my last chemo for this round tomorrow. We will wait another 7 days to see what rebuilds. Then we will do another bone marrow biopsy and take it from there. My prayer is that its clean and I can come home by early-mid July. I will come back again for another round a few weeks later, but as long as I don't have any fevers, I can go home after the week of chemo and recover there, rather than stay 30 days. Let's be praying for that! Next steps from that point will vary depending on the cytogenics study results of my bone marrow. Please pray that I'm on the side of best odds for the Leukemia not returning. That path is much easier :-)

I love reading your comments! What an encouragement and blessing it has been to me. Thank you to everyone who has left one. I love You all!! Thank you also to all of the visitors I've had. Going forward, please call first to see if I'm up for visitors. The next couple of weeks will be more challenging and I need lots of rest:-)

Thank you Jeff, for your music. It has ministered to my soul. I look forward to what God is going to teach me and how well I will know him as I enter the heart of the "Valley of the Shadow of Death" He will comfort and protect me. I will know His voice like never before! Psalm 23; I knew the song we were working on wasn't finished:-) Your song "Take me Lower" was not what I wanted to hear yesterday, but it kept coming up on my phone. LOL. But, I desire more of God and less of me in a physical and spiritual way. He is preparing me for something beautiful.



Bec4Christ said...

1st post on this blog, YES!!!!hahaha, it's very nice to see another wonderfully written blog again! OUR GOD IS SO AMAZING!!!!!! I've always just loved the way He loves!!!! GOD IS LOVE!!! and its FANTASTIC!!!!
<3 Bec
ps. I'm hoping I can come visit you sometime.

skyler0921 said...

Hi Edie,
I only just heard this second about your battle. Please know that we will be praying for you non-stop and are here for anything you or your family needs. God bless you, you are such a beacon of strength.
Our love and prayers,
Michelle and Brianna Rubin

one wild and precious life said...

hi, edie...thank you so much for sharing your heart on the blog...we are seriously praying for you and your precious family...love, ken & lindsay mcclure (zerillo)

Unknown said...

Greetings Sweet Edie,

Thank you for the update today!
We are still loving and praying for you, Jim and the girls.

We want to come on Sunday to visit so we will check with you on Saturday to see if you are up to it.

Marcia,Rob,Tony & Carmen

Anonymous said...

hey mom!
julia- luv ya lotss! hope u have a fantastic bday friday!:-)yesturday God was really working bc in starbucks mrs.leiter started talking to this one guy who worked there cuz he played the mass and merri wanted to do tht and it turned out he was a Christian and she thought it was pretty amazing tht we wuld meet someone like tht and have a 19 yr. old share tht he was a christian and not b afraid of it. ~julia
Megan- this week has been reallly tough w/out u here. it has been busy 2 so thts good. it keeps my mind off things. but it has been really hard bc of getting ready for the missions trip and stuff. not having u there 2 help me with it and stuff. i hope u get better soon. we r gonna b watchin a lot of movies wen u get bck. ahaha.luv ya!!~princess~

Fisher Family said...

I'm praying for you everyday! I'm so glad God has given you peace and I know He's going to do great things because you're putting your faith in Him with this, just like I've seen you do in lots of other battles. I just wanna say thanks for everything you've done for me! You've had such an impact on my life from sixth grade. I grew so much through our worship team devos and I really realized my love for leading others in worship. While I learned so much you also made it so much fun, like our six flags trips and hang outs.. egyptian ratscrew!! :D I remeber one of our first trips to six flags when i was so scared to go on any rollarcoaster and you guys forced me to go on and then couldn't get my off! haha. Thanks for being an example of a Godly woman to look up to and for always being there to talk. I know God is going to use you in so many other kids lives like He used you in mine. You're an amazing woman and I love you!!
P.S. I hope we can come visit soon!! My dad said after they get back from vacation. Can't wait to see you!

planetkathy said...

"Oh no You never let go - through the calm and through the storm."
Calm or storm just now?
"Listen to my cry for help, my King and My God, for to you I pray.In the morning,O Lord, You hear my voice;in the morning I lay my requests before You and wait in expectation." Psalm 5:2-3
Great visit today on your birthday eve,blessed day tomorrow. Kathy <><

Jill said...

Happy Birthday Edie!! <3
I just came back from 6 flags, and I cant believe that you went on Kingda Ka 5 TIMES IN A ROW!!! You are so brave, and since you got throught that CRAZY ride, you can get through anything! I am praying for you and miss you so much! I am planning on coming to see you sometime next week and I cant wait until then!! <3

I will see you later!! =]
Miss you and love you!


Lyndonsa3 said...

Happy Birthday!! We miss you! I wont be able to make it up with the gang to see you today, but I want to eventually come up and see you if it's ok with you.
It's such an encouragement to see your blogs...
The Lord knows exactly what you are going through... don't forget to leave your burdens with Him!
We all love you and you have so many people praying for you!

~Sarah F. Bangle
Ps 27

Mom, Dad, Jill and Stephanie said...

Hi Edie,
Happy Birthday today!!!!
Just know that we are praying like crazy for you and your family!
We are away this weekend, but will call early next week to visit.
Have a blessed day today...

Mom22Angels said...

Happy Birthday To You!!! I won't be able to make it up with the rest of the gang, but I will make plans to come see you. Stay strong - you are an encouragement to all. Happy Birthday!!!!!

Our Father knows what you are going through, so remember we must leave our troubles with him in order for him to take them.

We ALL miss you and love you. There are so many people praying for you. Our prayers will be answered.

Barb Selb

Toni said...

Hey Eeds-
Happy Birthday!!! I read your blog and I will pray for the Lord to encourage you re: the paperwork.
You will make it through this. Our God is mighty and all powerful. Look at how well you are doing. I hope you regain your strength quickly. I know it's frustrating for an active person like you to have you energy sapped like this, but try to rest and be still. I believe you hear His voice like never before. Do you journal? It might be upliftng to record what He's saying. Anyway, I know He's not letting go of you. I am praying for you and yours. I love you. Toni

Pedersons said...

Happy Birthday to you!!! I hope that you are blessed today knowing how much you are loved, appreciated, and treasured by your friends and family! I wish I could be with you today.

It was so great seeing you last night. I marvel at how well you look given how much you have been through during the week. Your eyes still sparkle, and that smile still shines. I know that comes from a heart that is leaning into the Almighty One.

You are a blessing to us all, and have blessed so many with your words from your blog. Just know that we are praying hard for you and your family.

Love you, Kathy P.

Bec4Christ said...

Hey Edie, and everyone else who might read this!
I have another verse to share...
2 Corinthians 12:10 "That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in dificulties. For when I am weak, I am strong."
I love that verse, and I actually wrote a song based off of it, and the passage above it :-)

RAEALBsde said...

Happy Birthday Edie!! It's me Ruthie!! When they told me at work you had a blog, all I could do was smile and say "That's my girl!" I must admit when you were not at work I kinda lost it. All I could do was pray!! You know me, I do that a Lot!! I have my family praying with me for you to be strong and keep the Faith!! I know that you know that God can do all things and you also know God will take care of you and Everything else no matter what it may be. Take this time to do what we all do while in the hospital, " Reflex" Trust me, I know. When I was in the hospital I just knew God was laughing at me saying, I knew this would get you to stop, look and enjoy life. God has these wonderful ways of making you look at your life and realize how blessed you realy are. Take time to relax get well, and don't over do. (Remember I know you) Before I forget to Thank you, the Bookbags made it all the way to the end of the school year!! Thank you sooo much!! I hope to get to see you soon. I'm going to let you get some rest now. We will be praying for you and with you.

Love Ruth, Al, Sierra and Shanice.

Unknown said...

Edie - Mom has been keeping me posted and let me know about this blog. You are so strong! Keep your chin up, your thoughts with God, and get well! I once asked my Dad how he beat Cancer for so long and he commented with two words "my faith."

Back then, Dad started a forum for survivors. I hope his words help you as they did so many others:


With love,

John said...

Dear Edie,
Happy Birthday and congratulations on being done with your first round of chemo! Thank you so much for sharing so much of yourself – you are such an encouragement to all of us. You are a living testimony of the verse “thou will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee.” You have continually been on my mind and in my prayers. I pray you will keep on keeping your mind stayed on the Lord and that He will continue to lift you up as on eagle’s wings. I praise God that you have not felt too bad from the chemo. I pray that will continue. And of course, I pray for those cells to rebuild. Hang in there – you are amazing – and God in you is amazing!!
Love, Tina Shaffer

Unknown said...

Hey Edie,

It's Friday night and I heard your day and pc aren't so good? I'm so sorry we can't be in touch. I hope that your Saturday will be better. Will check back again! I love you.


faithfulfriend said...

Hey Edie,
This is a late Happy Birthday wish. A card will be on its way. We want to visit again soon. Kirsten will be going to camp on Sunday, so we'll call sometime next week.
Love, Ramona

burtnbrdr11 said...

I'll be praying for your treatment and your walk towards that pasture :) The Lord is strong, even when we aren't. Look forward to seeing you around again. Talk to you soon.

abbie429 said...

Hi Edie,
I just wanted to reassure you of the tremendous amount of support and prayers that so many people have for you. It is so amazing to see how strong you are and the good spirits that you are in. As God works in your life, he is working in the people around you as you tell your personal testimony through these blogs. You are truly amazing and we will continue to pray pray and pray!

<3 Abbie Lee

Jen [: said...

hi edie. I miss your smile at planet. and even though you dont know me that well like some others, I still want you to know that I'm here for you. and so is God. He is amazing and I know he has his hand on you helping you through this.
trust in him

xox -Jen x3