Sunday, August 24, 2008

Catching Up

Hi Everyone!

It's good to be home. I wish I could say I have rested, but I've been trying to finish up the last loose ends preparing for the first day of school for Megan and Julia. We have had fun doing it though :-)
I'm still in a lot of pain, but not the level I experienced in the hospital. Pray for a speedy recovery. We are taking a mini vacation down the shore in my brothers place for a few days next week. The good thing is now that my pickline is out, I can enjoy the beach and ocean. The bad thing is if I'm not fully healed from my infections, it will limit some of my activities. Julia wants me to take her out on a wave runner, and I only know one speed; Full Throttle! LOL

Thank you all for your continued prayers and support. This last round has been more testing to my endurance and has caused me to not look forward to the next three. I have also had the normal life stresses weighing heavy on my heart. However, I know God is faithful. Trusting God is not something that comes naturally, its a discipline. We can choose to go it alone or give it to God. We need to continually remind ourselves of Who God is, What He has done for you in the past, and What He Promises to do. This is a daily process. Sometimes I find it easier to trust God in the big things and want to hold on to the little things that I feel I have more control over. Any of you do the same? If you know the story of the Israelites, then you know that we are not alone. They witnessed big miracles from God but when trouble or famine would set in they would forget Who God is and What He has done and promised to do. Don't lose hope when you doubt, but instead take some time to renew your mind and set your eyes upward and look to Christ. It will change your perspective and renew your hope and give you new strength to press on.
Love you all!


Pam said...

You continue to challenge and bless us with your blog. What a testimony you are to us. Please know that Scott, Billy and I pray for you each and every night!!
We love you,
Pam, Scott, and Billy

Donna Lash said...

Praying for good weather for you! Tell us all about the waverunner! If you do it, maybe I'll get the courage to try it, too, someday! Love, Donna

Tim Klein said...

Have a great time at the beach! I know how much you love it there!!

Laura Keim