Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Getting to Recover at Home This Time Around

I’m so excited to be coming home tonight. Although it’s late, it’s thrilling to know I will get to sleep in my own bed without interruptionsJ Tonight is my last treatment for this round of Chemo. I’m not neutropenic yet, that will come in a few days and last for about 2 weeks. Neutropenic means that my white blood cells are extremely low and I am very vulnerable to infections and experience fatigue and maybe some nausea and other common side effects from the Chemo. This treatment has been at a higher dose than last and I did have some nausea the other day, but the meds helped. Overall, my stay at the hospital has been uneventful. In fact, I’ve been quite bored. I read two books, did several puzzles, and watched a little TV. I took another walk today to PotBelly’s because my lunch was not desirable. The line at PotBelly’s was so long that I went over to McDonald’s instead. I haven’t had greasy junk food in a long time. It was more appetizing than my prepared lunch, but I think it will be a while before I do that again. LOL.

Thank you Jeanne K, Brianne G, and Lisa B for coming over to clean in preparation of my homecoming, I greatly appreciate your giving of your time and energy to bless me and my family. Thank you for all the love and support you have poured out on us.

Do you lack Peace?? Are you fearful about the “What ifs?? Do you have your spiritual armor on?? Psalm 91:1-5 reminds us that; “Those who live in the Shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty. This I declare of the Lord: He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; He is my God, and I am trusting in Him. For He swill rescue you from every trap and protect you from the fatal plague. He will shield you with his wings. He will shelter you with his feathers. His faithful promises are your armor and protections. Do not be afraid of the terrors of the night, nor fear the dangers of the day.” God has used this passage to bring me great comfort. If you lack peace or are fearful about the “what ifs”, it may be because you are seeking your comfort, security or peace in something other than God. Your health, your job, your spouse, your friends will fall short, but the Lord God Almighty will never fail and his promises endure forever. He is faithful and will protect you and provide you with an unsurpassing peace in the midst of your trials if you would only seek Him alone and find rest in the shadow of His wings.



planetkathy said...

Corrie ten Boom's book had a part that said,"There are no what-ifs in God's will." That's a comfort. Very thankful that your bed tonight is in Marlton. Thank you, God, for giving Edie the desire of her heart.
Kathy <><

Jenn said...

Praise the Lord!! So glad you are home tonight!!!

Cochisecr said...

Hey Honey~
You are so amazing!! We are praying for you constantly. Thanks for taking the time to blog - we always check in, and it is a tremedous encouragement and example to so many. Your faith is so evident - what a testimony!! I told you on the 4th of July you looked like Natalie Portman.....gorgeous!! Now that you posted it, everyone can appreciate your inner and outer beauty: hair or no hair!! Hang in there -and we will be praying for your strength in the next round.
Love you!!
Hugs, Robin