Thursday, August 21, 2008

Released - Last Night

A quick update ...

I got a text message from Edie last night and she is now at home again. Her counts came back up (I believe white cells) and in conjunction with that the fevers have stopped. Her pain level had also dropped from a 10 to a 5. Soooo ... last night they let her go home. Once I actually get to talk to her I will post more.

Keep on praying - things to keep in mind as you do ... that she will feel better and can be there(physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually) for the girls as they start school the first week of September, (I know that Jim took them back to school shopping), getting to a point where she feels good for a bit before she has to go back for the next round of chemo, peace, strength.



Oneneedler said...

Thank you so much for the updates. I check it frequently even though I don't comment. Praying for you Edie. Kim (Baxter) Smith

Donna Lash said...

Hi Edie--- It was a blessing to see you today! And, as usual, you looked beautiful! I was relieved and happy to see how cheerful and energetic and talkative you were and to hear your laughter as you talked about some of your circumstances! You are truly a blessing! Thanks for the updates on your blog...I check it all the time and cheer and pray you on! If you or Jim or your mom need anything for the girls during the school year, please call me. Remember that I am at the school for some length of time on Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays and I have an extension there (I think it's 154?) I can help or look for answers for you. Hope to see you again soon....Love, Donna